What is Witchcraft?

What is Witchcraft? A Simple Guide for New Witches

In order to really understand witchcraft, let’s start at the beginning with the absolute basics. If you’re new to the craft or still just curious, you’re probably already wondering – What is witchcraft anyway?

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A quick Google search will populate tons of scary definitions concerning black magic, harming others, summoning evil spirits, and other such fear based language. I’m here to tell you that this simply isn’t true. At least not for most of us. Yes, some witches use magic to cause harm or commit atrocities against humankind, but isn’t this true of any group of people?

To keep things as simple as possible, witchcraft is simply the practice of manipulating energy in order to achieve an outcome. In other words, we practice magic to help us influence change in the world and our lives. 

We achieve this mostly through spellwork, but we also use meditation, visualization, herbs, crystals, teas, and even cooking and cleaning to achieve our goals.

What is a Witch?

Media gives witches a bad rap. We don’t have green skin and long warty noses. Nor do witches eat children. Also, we now wear pointed hats with way more style and flair! 

Throughout history, witchcraft has been practiced by shamans, magic makers, healers, teachers, priests, priestesses, and a whole host of other types of people. Witches can be anyone. You probably already know a witch or two.

Is Witchcraft Evil?

Witchcraft is neither inherently positive or negative. Rather, the intention of the practitioner determines the motives of the craft. 

Some people act in ways that I find abhorrently evil, but they think they’re doing what’s right, and vice verse. If we’re going to chat about which behaviors constitute evil (and as a society, we really should…), I don’t think the most important place to start is with spells.

But don’t witches worship the devil? Eh, not really. Some witches do choose to work with demonic entities, but many others only acknowledge the existence of the devil as a Christian construct. We don’t get our powers by bargaining with the devil. That’s a myth we just can’t seem to kill.

Our perception of witchcraft as evil stems from 500 or so years of witch hunts starting around the 12th century. This wasn’t happening exclusively because one group thought another was evil. Rather, it made subjugating and controlling a population easier. Kind of like we still do with marginalized populations today. 

I’m also not a huge fan of labeling magic as black or white. The idea that white magic is good while black magic is bad has some seriously racist implications. 

Remember, at the end of the day, you don’t have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. If an element of magic makes your skin crawl, avoid it.

witch bottle and dried flowers in a book

Is Witchcraft Expensive?

My hubs would probably tell you that it is…

Good news, though! You don’t have to be loaded to learn witchcraft! In fact, many witches and even many elements of the practice require nothing more than intention. Witchcraft is totally accessible to anyone with the desire to learn. Tools are totally optional.

Now for the bad news. It’s really easy to spend a fortune on witchy tools and ingredients. We easily get caught up in the aesthetic and the feel of witchcraft. I’m a bit of a witchy supply hoarder myself. This sometimes tricks people into thinking they need fancy tools, rare herbs, and pricey crystals.

Tools help witches tap into their powers and help hone magic, especially for beginners. But you don’t NEED tools to learn.

Is Witchcraft a Religon?

That really depends on you. Witchcraft itself is just a practice, a skill you learn to perfect. It’s not inherently religious and doesn’t require working with spirits or honoring deity in order to be powerful.

However, many witches find themselves craving community and faith, so witchcraft sometimes leads practitioners toward new religious paths. Many witches also incorporate witchcraft into the faiths they already practice.

If you want to explore religions that utilize witchcraft, there are a multitude of pagan paths to explore.

Do I Need to be "Special" to Learn Witchcraft?

Despite what some people will tell you, you don’t have to be special to learn witchcraft. Some magical paths do require initiation or a cultural tie, but witchcraft itself is an open practice. You don’t need to come from a line of hereditary witches or already possess psychic abilities to practice witchcraft.

There’s also no required dress code or uniform. You don’t have to wear long black flowing robes and don a pentacle around your neck. The pointed hat is totally optional! You can live your entire life in the broom closet and still practice powerful magic.

We often think of witches as women, usually outcast women living on the outskirts of civilization. Witchcraft isn’t gendered or casted, though, and the generally accepted term for a witch regardless of gender or socioeconomic status is simply witch. Witchcraft doesn’t care!

Heck, I would argue that casting spells isn’t even a prerequisite to practicing witchcraft. If you think about it, meditation, scripting, vision boards, herbalism, yoga, and even journaling all use energy manipulation to influence your current reality and cause change. There are endless ways to witch!

Get all this info as a grimoire page with a corresponding journal workbook to help you analyze your learning and build your magical book.

What If I Don't Have Time to Learn Witchcraft?

If you’re avoiding taking up practicing because of time constraints, I’m so glad you’re here! Rituals and spells can be very time consuming. Learning something as vast as witchcraft can overwhelming. 

Fortunately, this site will break down the basics for you in nice bite sized pieces that don’t take forever to work through. Furthermore, I get it. I don’t have two hours to do an elaborate ritual anymore either. The good news is that you don’t need lots of time to learn or practice. 

Through lots of trial and error, and about 20 years of practice under my belt, I’ve learned tricks to shorten timelines and multitask magic into my daily life. Now, I’m ready to share those tricks with you! 

The Witch Makes the Craft!

Now that we’ve gotten some basics out of the way, I hope you’re feeling a bit more informed. You might still be asking yourself, “Okay Weaver, I get what you’re saying, but I’m still confused. What is witchcraft?” 

If this sounds like you, you’re totally normal. There’s still a lot to learn. Hopefully, though, you now understand the absolute basics. 

Witchcraft is simply the manipulation of energy to encourage an outcome to happen. It’s not inherently evil, expensive, or time consuming. Anyone can practice witchcraft regardless of background, gender, religion, or circumstance.

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