what is beltane

What is Beltane? Everything You Need to Know

IMay has arrived, busy witches! You know what that means. It’s Beltane time. Maybe you’re wondering, what is beltane? Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place. In today’s post, we’ll look at all the basics and correspondences of Beltane. When you’re done reading, you’ll be able to build your own magical Beltane celebration based on

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ostara garden blessing

How to Perform a Powerful Ostara Garden Blessing Now

After a long winter, we’re finally moving into the season of spring. For many green witches, kitchen witches, and herbal magic practitioners, this means it’s finally garden season again! Today, I want to share a simple garden blessing ritual that is perfect for the start of gardening season. Whether you’re starting your spring, summer, or

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What is Ostara?

What is Ostara? Everything You Need to Know

Spring has sprung, busy witches! You know what that means. It’s Ostara time. Maybe you’re wondering, what is Ostara? Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place. In today’s post, we’ll look at all the basics and correspondences of Ostara. When you’re done reading, you’ll be able to build your own magical Ostara celebration based on

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What is Imbolc

What is Imbolc? Everything You Need to Know

We’re officially halfway to spring! That means Imbolc is upon us! Maybe you’re wondering, what is Imbolc? Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place. In today’s post, we’ll look at all the basics and correspondences of Imbolc. When you’re done reading, you’ll be able to build your own magical Imbolc celebration based on the themes

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What is Yule

What is Yule? Everything You Need to Know for a Magical Winter Solstice

The winter solstice is right around the corner. That means the Yuletide is upon us! Maybe you’re wondering, what is Yule? Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place. In today’s post, we’ll look at all the basics and correspondences of Yule. When you’re done reading, you’ll be able to build your own magical Yule celebration

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9 Yule gifts for kids

9 Exciting Witchy Yule Gifts For Kids in 2022

Can you believe winter holiday season is right around the corner already? While it’s getting easier to find last minute witchy inspired gifts, it’s still not the easiest thing ever. For that reason, I’m trying to stay ahead of the Yuletide/Christmas season this year. Looking for ideas for Yule gifts for kids? My witchy little

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