money bowl spell title card

How to Make a Money Bowl to Manifest Prosperity

They say money can’t buy happiness, but I’m not buying it! While cold, hard cash isn’t the most important thing in the world, it sure does make life easier. We need at least some amount of money to live comfortably and meet our basic needs. While I don’t think you should be obsessed with money, there’s also nothing wrong with wanting enough of it to live a comfortable life that affords you all the things you need and some of the things you want, too. If you need a little bit of help with your cash flow, this money bowl spell just might do the trick.

In today’s post, you’ll learn all about money bowls: what they are, what they do, how to make one, and how to keep that money magic flowing!

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A money bowl is a straight forward and simple piece of magic. It’s a bowl that’s filled with money and other abundance correspondences. Then you charge it up with the intention of drawing money to you. They work by welcoming and attracting money and wealth to your home, business, or life and help open the doors to new opportunities for increasing your personal wealth.

Money bowls are an example of folk magic. This type of magic has been practiced for centuries by cultures all across the globe. Folk magic wasn’t practiced by ceremonial leaders or high priests and priestesses in positions of power. Rather, these workings were utilized by common folk with limited education and often, even more limited funds. 

Practitioners of folk magic used whatever materials they had available. Since the practice of folk magic isn’t ceremonial, there’s not really a rule book or a set ingredient list. Each practitioner or family created their own traditions. based on what they could easily access and what they associated with wealth and abundance. As a result, every practice was different.

The most commonly known example of something like a money bowl is probably a Feng Shui prosperity bowl, but when it comes to folk magic, it’s hard to really say who started the money bowl tradition. Most likely, many cultures utilized similar practices but with a slightly varying process depending on the culture.

This is great news for you because it means you can use whatever you have on hand and adapt it to your situation. 

two hands holding a green money bowl filled with paper money

A Quick Note for Broom Closeted Witches

Money bowls have very few rules, but there are a couple of considerations you need to make.

First, money bowls work better in an open container. This is because you want the energy to flow unhindered for maximum results. Second, you need to interact with them regularly to keep the energy moving, so they’re less effective when hidden away and forgotten about. 

That’s a real problem if you can’t keep your long term spell work on a working altar or if it’s not safe or practical to have your spell work out in the open. Fortunately, these ideas might help!

  • Make a money jar instead. It’s not as effective at opening doors of opportunity. However, it can help you hold on to cash when it comes to you in combination with a money drawing spell. Add bills and change, plus a sprinkling of some herbs or crystals, to a jar, bag, box, or piggy bank. Charge it up with your intent. Then give it a gentle shake every so often to activate the working.
  • Enchant a typical change dish. Instead of a magical bowl, make a money bowl junk dish using loose change and maybe your keys (which unlock doors to new opportunities). If you add extras, just put a few little grains of rice or salt, a tiny pinch of crushed bay leaf or mint, and maybe a microscopic crystal chip or two. Cover the sprinklings with loose change to keep things inconspicuous. Charge with your intent, and leave it near a regular grocery store jar candle (green if you can get it!) on your side table so it looks like a decorative choice.
  • Hide your money bowl. Keep it in an open container to maintain your flow of energy. Then store it away inside a dresser drawer, shoe box, under the bed, in your desk drawer, in the top of the closet, or anywhere it’s unlikely to be found.
  • Create a virtual money bowl within a game like Minecraft, The Sims, or whatever the cool kids are playing these days. Then you can visit your money bowl and interact with it in a digital sacred space that just looks like regular game play.
  • Visualize it. You don’t actually need tools and ingredients to cast spells. They just help add energy and focus to the working. If you have a knack for visualization, imagine yourself performing this entire ritual in your mind while you’re lying in bed at night. Nobody would know that you’re casting instead of sleeping. This method works even if you’re literally never alone.
  • Make a money sachet instead. Use correspondences from the list below. Add ingredients to a small pouch that stays in your wallet or purse to draw money to you.

Money Bowl Correspondences

You don’t have to know all the correspondences of the ingredients in your spell, but having this knowledge will help you charge your ingredients with intent and make adjustments as needed.

Since the money bowl is such a personal piece of folk magic, you’ll need to decide what you add. Later, I’ll share what I use in the casting steps, but here are some more correspondences you can use to personalize your spell.


  • Color correspondences – When choosing your bowl and candles, use green for money, gold for wealth, red for good fortune, or clear glass/white for free flow. Copper and brass bowls are also popular wealth correspondences. I literally used a green plastic cereal bowl.
  • coins and bills – seed money that gets your working started. Monetary wealth is just an energetic exchange, so you have to be willing to give some to get some. Be as generous as you can, but don’t use money you don’t have. You can use foreign currency, too. Don’t have two nickels to rub together? Use play money. Draw out some paper money. Throw a handful of basil leaves and old buttons in the bowl while proclaiming, “This is money.” Remember, folk magic was originally the magic of the poor and underrepresented. Don’t let a lack of funding get in your way.
  • old keys – keys are incredibly powerful magical tools that represent unlocking doors to opportunities. They help remove obstacles in your way and create additional pathways for your spell to work.
  • I-ching coins – said to ward off evil and bring good fortune.
  • shells – Did you know that before coin minting became popular, various cultures had used shells as forms of currency for centuries? Cowrie shells in particular are associated with wealth, but any seashells can be charged with prosperous energy.
  • magnets – a useful tool in any attraction magic. You can utilize any type of magnets in your magic. I keep all the magnets that break out of my kids’ magnetic alphabet letters for this purpose. Magnetic sand (iron shavings) is another powerful magical tool to add to attraction spells. I’ve scored magnetic sand at the dollar store inside those Wooly Willy boards.
  • money symbols – this can be charms, jewelry, glitter, gold leaf, or even dollar and pound signs drawn on slips of paper.

HERBS/PLANTS - use dried to prevent mold.

  • dried rice – grows plentifully, abundance, wealth.
  • salt – protection, cleansing, prosperity, salt was also once used as currency. Natural salts are better, but a fistful of fast food salt packets will work in a pinch.
  • sugar – sweetens your intention to you.
  • cinnamon – abundance, passion, speeds up your working.
  • basil – associated with money and wealth.
  • bay leaf – the wishing herb, aids in manifestation.
  • mint – tenacity, abundance, helps your spell take root and spread.
  • patchouli – aids in manifestation.
  • allspice – money drawing.
  • clove – abundance and wealth, protects the working and drives away negative forces.
  • orange peel – success, prosperity, abundance, fortune, joy.
  • road opener or money drawing spell oils – a wonderful addition to this working if you have them.

STONES/CRYSTALS - consider that some crystals are damaged by salt.

  • citrine – draws in money and success.
  • green aventurine – increase wealth and prosperity.
  • tiger’s eye – good luck and fortune.
  • pyrite – abundance, wealth, prosperity.
  • lodestone – magnetic, attracts desires to you, works well with magnetic sand.
  • moss agate – growth, abundance, fertility.
  • clear quartz – amplifies the energy in your working.
hand adding a coin to an almost empty jar with two other jars that have coins and plants growing

How to Make Your Money Bowl

Before you cast, begin by going through your own spice rack and witchy apothecary. What do you have on hand that corresponds with money, prosperity, abundance, and attraction? Below, I’ll share my exact recipe. Adapt these instructions based on what you have on hand.

What you'll need:

Best time to cast: Anytime during the waxing or full moon. Thursdays are ideal.

Circle casting is optional.


  • a bowl– green, gold, copper, and brass are most common, but red or clear glass work, too. 
  • rice or salt – enough to fill your bowl at least half way.
  • green liquid food coloring – to make some money rice. Gel coloring will work, but it’s infinitely more difficult to mix.
  • a green or gold candle – to represent wealth and money.
  • a carving tool – to carve your intention into the candle.
  • coins and paper money – seed money for your spell. Use a mix of bills and coins in the currency you want to attract or a mix of your country and foreign currency. In a pinch, play money, shells, buttons, hand drawn paper money, or whole basil leaves will work.
  • sugar, cinnamon sticks, powdered cinnamon, whole bay leaves, patchouli, and mint – herbs associated with abundance and money.
  • pyrite, green aventurine, tiger’s eye, citrine –  stones of abundance and wealth.

Bonus materials: 

  • ritual spell oils – if you make or buy spell oils, Road Opener and Money Drawing oils work well with this spell.
  • an old key – to unlock new opportunities and create free-flowing pathways for your spell to work. 
  • incense – for cleansing and charging. Use the list above to help you choose incense associated with wealth and abundance.
  • money symbols – whatever you associate with wealth

How to cast:

Step 1: Clean and cleanse your container, tools, ingredients, and workspace. Take a moment to reflect on your intention. What do you want? Get specific. If you struggle with setting intentions, my new moon manifestation oil recipe can help. 

Step 2: Next, add your rice or salt to a jar with some green food coloring, cap it, and shake, shake, shake. If using gel, you’ll also need to mix with a skewer, chop stick, or thick knitting needle. More food coloring will, of course, give a darker color. I never measure! Just add a little at a time till you like the color. Infuse with the energy of abundance while mixing clockwise or shaking.

True money rice may include herbs, oils, glitter, magnetic sand, and even shredded money! Since I’m adding those elements separately, I just add the green color.

Step 3: Place a folded bill in the bottom of the bowl as seed money. This will stay in the bowl until you take the bowl apart and end the working. Add your rice or salt on top of the bill, imagining filling your life with abundance as you pour. Mix in some sugar to sweeten money to you! Sprinkle a good sized pinch of each dry herb to the bowl, charging it with your intention each time. Here are some examples to guide you, but feel free to make them your own.

  • I charge this sugar to sweeten money to me.
  • I charge this bay leaf to support me in manifesting my goal of (state intention) through the coming month.
  • I charge this patchouli to allow me to manifest my goal of (state intention).
  • I charge this mint with abundant energy to help financial prosperity take root.

Step 4: Add any crystals. or crystal chips you chose. Hold and charge them with your intention.

  • I charge this citrine with the energy of success so that my financial endeavors succeed.
  • I charge this tiger’s eye with the energy of luck and good fortune so that things always go my way when it comes to making money.
  • I charge this green aventurine with the energy of wealth to increase the amount of money I earn, find, and receive.
  • I charge this pyrite to be a money magnet that constantly attracts money to me.

Step 5: Stick any folded bills you are using into the rice as extra seed money. Charge and add a few cinnamon sticks to add some potent energy to the working and speed up the results. Then add your coins.

Step 6: If you are using any magical oils, charms, or symbols, charge them and add them to the bowl now. Using the bay leaves, write your intentions and stick them in the rice. These can be kept whole or burned after lighting your candle. Keep the ashes in the bowl if burning. Now, charge up the entire bowl with your intention.

Step 8Carve your intention into the candle. For example, “Abundant wealth flows easily to me”,  “I always have more money than I need”, or “I make 10K per month with my small business, working for myself while doing what I love”. Dress the candle with oils and herbs if desired. Then stick the candle into the rice. Now, charge up the entire bowl with your intention.

Step 9: Light your candle. As it burns, visualize or focus on your intention coming to you with joy and ease. I also like to toss pinches of cinnamon into the flame to add some speed to the spell. Be warned, though, the cinnamon will spark and travel. Take adequate fire safety precautions. You can say an incantation like this one if desired.

“As this flame dissipates with time

Prosperous abundance shall be mine

(Specific amount or intention) comes to me

This is my will, so mote it be”

Step 10: You can burn down the whole candle at one time, or perform step 9 again over several days. Just make sure you finish burning the candle down or remove it from the bowl and save for later by the end of the full moon.  

How to Use Your Money Bowl

Set your money bowl in a prominent place where you’ll see it often. It’s a living energy, so interact with it! Make a daily or weekly ritual of it depending on what feels right. I like to make sure I work with mine at least once a week on Thursdays.

These are just a few ways you can work with your bowl.

  • Add or remove and spend cash. 
  • Sprinkle more herbs and oils. 
  • Charge it with the full moon. 
  • Offer incense or another candle.
  • Simply sit with it and visualize your intention coming to fruition.

Remember, with magic, you get out what you put in.

Feed your money bowl indefinitely, or disassemble and donate some of the money when your spell manifests to keep the energetic flow of abundance moving.

Tell Us About Your Experience

Did you stir up a little money magic with this abundance drawing money bowl? What did you put into your bowl to make it special? Tell us about it in the comments below! 

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