how to make a diy gratitude jar

How to Make a DIY Gratitude Jar

We’re deep in the throes of holiday preparations here in the Busy Witchy household. Thanksgiving is this week. That means there’s cleaning to do, an allergy friendly Thanksgiving menu to prepare, Creepmas decor to put out, witchlings to feed… Don’t get me started on all the papers I still need to grade. We’re busy. It’s easy to get caught up in all the stress of the holiday season. That’s why today, I’m taking a moment to remind myself to slow down and be grateful. It’s time to stop, breathe, and make a DIY gratitude jar.

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A gratitude jar is a simple tool that anybody can use to help focus on the things in life they are grateful for. It’s a really simple and affordable little piece of magic that helps turn the abstract concept of gratitude into something physical and tangible. 

For that reason, gratitude jars are perfect tools for a lot of different people and circumstances. For instance, a gratitude jar can help… 

  • children still in concrete stages of development who are learning about gratitude.
  • People who are overwhelmed and need help slowing down.
  • Someone who needs support in working on their mental health.
  • Witches looking to improve their manifestation skills.
  • Anyone looking to infuse some extra positivity into their lives.

A gratitude jar is simply a vessel that is used to collect thoughts of gratitude, abundance, joy, and thankfulness. It’s a place where you can physically gather these ideas and see them in a very real, concrete way.

Gratitude jars can be powerful tools for mental health and manifestation. It doesn’t hurt that they’re also incredibly easy to make and practically free. You don’t need any special materials at all unless you just want to fancy up your jar.

empty gratitude jar

How Can a Gratitude Jar Help with Manifestation?

Magic is, at its simplest, using your will or energy to create a desired outcome. Manifestation. 

In order to manifest your desires, you need to be able to believe they are possible. You’ve got to smell, hear, taste, smell, and feel those desires are a part of your reality. 

If you want abundance, love, joy, or power, you’ve got to feel what it’s like to have abundance, love, joy, or power. It’s really hard to manifest when you’re coming from a place of lack. 

In the real world where life happens and some circumstances are out of your control, this can be really difficult and might even feel unnatural. I get it. At my core, I’ve always identified as a bit of a pessimistic realist. I view things at face value, and I’m aware of how far the tables can turn against you. Having a positive mindset is definitely something I have to work at. 

Gratitude jars can help. By creating one, you are able to intentionally bring your focus to the things you have and what’s bringing joy to your life. You can work though lack, trauma, negativity, pain, and fear when you bring your focus away from what you don’t have and turn attention to what you do have. 

It doesn’t make the struggles in life go away, but it can help you become more aware of abundance that’s hiding in plain sight. The more you notice, the more you notice, if you catch my drift. These observations of abundance start to snowball (in a good way), and that is what lends extra oomph to your manifestation skills.

How to Make A Gratitude Jar

What you'll need:

what you'll need for a gratitude jar

Best time to make: during Mabon, harvest festivals of thanksgiving, or anytime you need an extra boost of gratitude in your life.

Circle casting: not needed


  • A jar or container – anything will do. An old jelly jar, a mason jar, a cleaned out candle jar, even a clean, dry soda bottle will work. 
  • Slips of paper – go as simple or fancy as needed. Torn pieces of notebook paper, drawing paper, parchment, handmade pages, or designed and printed sheets.
  • A pen or pencil – again, use what you have. A crayon works just as nicely as a feather quill and handmade ink.

Bonus materials:

You don’t need anything else for a gratitude jar, but these ideas can make it feel more like a special ritual to create and display one.

  • A label for your jar
  • Your favorite crystals to put inside
  • Fairy lights for added sparkle when displaying the jar on your altar
  • Herbs that support positivity and joy such as orange peel, thyme, or chamomile
  • Herbs that support releasing and absorbing negativity such as salt, garlic, or nutmeg

How to cast:

Step 1: Gather your materials. Make sure your jar is clean and dry and that any herbs are fully dried to prevent mold.

Step 2: Cleanse your jar, paper, and writing tool. Incense smoke or white light visualization are simple methods. Charge your extras with intention if using them.

Step 3: Take a deep breath and get centered. Prepare your mind to focus on gratitude and positivity. 

Step 4: If you plan to add any extras to your jar, do that first. This way, your gratitude doesn’t get buried at the bottom.

Step 5: When you feel ready, begin writing down everything you feel grateful for. Add each idea to a slip of paper. No idea is too small or silly. Write down absolutely everything that comes to mind. Add each slip of paper to your jar with intention. 

Step 6: When you’re done working, display you’re jar in a prominent place at your altar or around your home to remind yourself of everything you have to be grateful for in trying times. 

How to Use Your Gratitude Jar

Whenever you feel like you’re having a tough time, pull out your gratitude jar and read all the slips of paper for a pick-me-up. 

If you need a bit of ritual in your life, you can even turn your gratitude jar into a daily habit. Each day, add one new slip of paper until your jar gets full. Think about it like those old 5 gallon water jugs we all used to put loose change in. It doesn’t seem like much each day. Before long, though, you’ve got a jug you can’t even lift. Except this jug won’t give you a back ache and filthy hands when it’s time to cash out. 

What Are You Grateful For?

Why not kick of the season of thanks with a bit of a digital gratitude jar? Drop us a line in the comments! What are you thankful for this year? 

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