Phoenix fire release spell for transformation

How to Cast a Phoenix Fire Release Spell for Transformation

We’re inching our way toward the official first day of summer, and the temperature is slowly climbing. With Litha right around the corner and the hottest days of summer still ahead, now is a great time to get outside and enjoy a backyard bonfire before it gets too hot and overrun with bugs. And because we’re busy witches, let’s make it magical. Today, I want to share how you can cast a fire release spell that calls on the energy of the Phoenix for transformation.

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If you pay any attention to the news this time of year, you understand the destructive power of fire. Unchecked, fire can decimate an entire home in a matter of hours. It can destroy forests and communities and turn lives upside down. The element of fire is fierce, fast acting, and has a mind of its own.

However, fire can also be a catalyst for growth and life. When controlled, burning brush and overgrowth can actually prevent disastrous forest fires. The ashes left behind add nutrients to the soil and support healthy plant growth. Did you know that soil coming from volcanic rock is some of the best for growing crops?

Fire is transformative. It holds the power of death and life within it. As a result, fire is incredibly well suited to release work. 

If you’ve never done release work before, here’s the basic idea. Within your spell or ritual, you have an item that symbolically represents something you want to get rid of. Typically, this will be something simple like a piece of paper with your intention written on it. In order to release this thing that no longer serves you, you destroy the symbol by burying, burning, blowing it away, or releasing it to water. 

When perform a fire release spell, as the symbol is destroyed, it breaks down old barriers and burns away old habits, usually quickly and aggressively. The ash left behind represents change and transformation into whatever new desire you have.

phoenix fire bird

The Energy of the Phoenix

The Phoenix is a mythical bird associated with the element of fire and the sun.

According to the legend, as the Phoenix reaches the end of its life, it builds a nest with aromatics as its final residence. When it dies, the Phoenix erupts into flame and burns away to ash. Later, it is reborn from the ashes of its former self.

The Phoenix’s origins are hard to pinpoint because cultures across the globe have phoenix stories. Chinese, Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Native American cultures all have mythology that describes this bird. Even today, its tale can be found in modern fiction and fantasy. No matter the story, the Phoenix has acted as a symbol of hope, power, and strength in trying times for centuries.

The Phoenix is a creature you can call on in times of transformation and change. This fiery sun bird aids in healing during difficult phases in life. It can help you burn away your own former self and support you in your personal rebirth. 

The Phoenix’s associations with life and death and its connection to fire and the sun make it perfect for your Litha rituals and fire release spell work. However, you can work with this powerful, transformative energy any time of year. 

Learn all about Litha and how to celebrate it here.

How to Cast a Phoenix Fire Release Spell for Transformation

For this spell, you’ll need access to an open flame like a bonfire, fire pit or fire place. You might be able to make a small cauldron fire or use an incense disc, but I’ve never tried it that way. If you try it out this way, and it works, let me know in the comments.

What you'll need:

Best time to cast: Litha is the ideal time to cast this spell, but you can use this spell to connect with Phoenix energy any time of year.

Circle casting is optional but recommended if you’re working through some deep, dark energy.


  • an open fire – a bonfire, fire pit, or fireplace is ideal
  • paper and pen – to write down what you want to transform. I’m a big fan of a bright red feather quill and dragon’s blood ink, but a plain pen works just fine.
  • a packet of fire color changing powder– represents the transformative power of Phoenix energy (and creates a super witchy, magical aesthetic) GRAB IT HERE
  • a piece of labradorite –  represents death by fire and trusting in the healing process.

Bonus materials: 

  • a dragon themed tarot or oracle deck – (I’m using this deck) In Feng Shui, Phoenix represents Yang energy, while dragons represent Ying energy. They work together to create balance, harmony, and completion. I like to start this ritual with a spread using a dragon oracle to help balance my emotions and establish my purpose.
  • loose herbs associated with fire, such as rosemary, cinnamon, clove, ginger, sunflower, or calendula can be added to your fire to bring their energy to the spell.
  • crystals associated with fire or the Phoenix, such as amber, fire agate, bloodstone, obsidian, ruby, or obsidian can be added to your space to support your intention.

How to cast:

I know we’re all busy witches, but when it comes to fire release spell work to initiate change within yourself, it’s always a good idea to start off with some pampering. You want to maintain that positive energy as much as possible. This, however, can be a challenge when facing your struggles. Take a nice bath or shower, eat a good meal, or do something to make yourself feel good before casting.

Step 1: Before you begin, gather up all your materials. Ground and center yourself. Make sure to set your intention in your mind before you begin. Keep this intention in your mind the whole time. Cleanse your materials of unwanted energy with your favorite method.

Step 2: I like to start this fire release spell off with an oracle reading to help me solidify what needs to be released. 

Phoenix Fire Release Spell Tarot Spread

Step 3: Next, grab your pen and paper. Begin to write down all the things you want to release and change within yourself or your life. Create a list of things to let go of, such as self limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, punishment for past mistakes, or lack of self compassion. Fold the paper into a tiny square.

Step 4: Now, take a few minutes to sit with your labradorite crystal. Reflect on your healing journey. Allow the stone to help you build up your inner power and confidence, so that you can trust the process of release more deeply.

Step 5: Then, it’s time to get your fire going. When you feel ready, cast your paper into the fire. Give it a moment to burn away. Now, cast your fire color changing powder into your fire and allow it to transform you. If you enjoy fire scrying, this is a great time to scry for symbols. I’ve even caught the silhouette of a phoenix in my flames once or twice! Recite the following incantation as you cast the powder into the flame.

“I call upon the Phoenix fire

Burn away what’s undesired.

From the ashes I shall rise

Reborn of what’s released and dies”


Step 7: Now, all that’s left to do is enjoy your bonfire and soak in the energy of transformative healing. 

Phoenix fire release spell pics

Tell Us About Your Experience

Do you have experience with Phoenix energy or fire release spell work? Have you ever used fire color changing powder in spells before? Tell us about it in the comments below! 

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