how to brew a strawberry full moon love potion

How to Brew a Strawberry Full Moon Love Potion

June has arrived, and with it comes the start of summer and another full moon. While I’m not a huge fan of my North Texas summer heat, the Strawberry Full Moon holds a special place in my heart! Today, I’m going to share one of my favorite ritual recipes for the month of June – the Strawberry Full Moon Love Potion. 

This quick and easy elixir can be brewed up and used in your full moon rituals, or you can charge up your ingredients and save them for some special spell work later on. It also makes a decadent tea that brings the flavors of summer love whenever you need a pick me up.

Be warned, however, that this is not a love potion like you see in the movies. It won’t grant you the power of mind control over your secret love interest or cause someone to fall desperately under your spell. This love potion is all about Y.O.U. 

In my mind, while Litha is a very masculine focused celebration, it’s also a great time of year for unapologetic, femme fatale, girl power energy. This particular love potion is meant to help you come into your own personal power and heal your inner wounds. If it turns a few heads in the process, all the better!

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The moon has been revered by people for pretty much all of human existence. Different cultures have placed their own importance on the power of the moon, and there’s more information than a single blog post can possibly hope to cover. Let’s keep it simple today. You just need a bit of background knowledge to understand the how and why of this love potion.

Each full moon has been given different names depending on circumstances and surroundings. The names change from culture to culture, and sometimes, so do the ways the moons are determined. We’re just going to focus on calendar months for this post. Remember, there are many other names for these moons, but that’s a topic for another day.

January – Wolf Moon; named for wolf packs on the prowl for food in the dead of winter.

February – Snow Moon; named because many places around the world see snow and ice during this month.

March – Worm Moon; named for the worms that return to the surface as the soil starts to warm.

April – Pink Moon; named for the flowers and mosses beginning to spread.

May – Flower Moon; named for the enormous blooms of wildflowers that take over.

June – Strawberry moon; named for the peak of strawberry picking season.

July – Buck Moon; named for the bucks beginning to sprout their antlers.

August – Barley Moon; named for official start of harvest season.

September – Harvest Moon; named because this is the peak of harvest season.

October – Blood Moon; named for the time of year when hunting to prepare for winter is at its peak.

November – Beaver moon; named because this is traditionally the best time for trapping beaver.

December – Cold Moon; named for the ushering in of winter and long, cold, nights. 

love potion moon

What is the Strawberry Full Moon?

So, as you can see, June’s full moon is called the Strawberry Moon because it falls during strawberry picking time. This moon also falls during the month of Litha, the Summer Solstice and official calendar start of summertime. 

As a result, the Strawberry Full Moon holds a lot of the same themes as Litha – growth, abundance, fertility, power, and just that general ambiance of “more”. 

It’s also a great time for self reflection and digging deep. Not in the quiet, shadowy, internal way that we do in the dark half, though.

This full moon challenges us to go within ourselves so that we can grow into our power on the outside. It’s not quiet and reflective. Instead, it’s a loud, bombastic, sensual energy that refuses to be stifled or put it its place. June’s full moon energy challenges us to strive toward our own peak of power, just like the ripening strawberries in the fields and the climbing solstice sun.

In 2024, this full moon also falls in Sagittarius, which adds its own energy to the mix. And guess what? That energy also likes to push boundaries, get you outside your comfort zone, and is a little bit wild, impulsive, and adventurous. Sagittarius energy brings a focus on truth, clarity, and courage.

Basically, this year’s Strawberry Full Moon is begging us to figure out who we are and what we want to do, and it’s shoving us in that direction with zero subtlety. 

That’s why this Strawberry Full Moon Love Potion is all about self love and inner power. It’s meant to help you figure out who you want to be and then dive in head first with no apologies.


How to Brew a Strawberry Full Moon Love Potion

I’ve tried to keep this love potion recipe very flexible while still maintaining the desired energetic profile. You won’t need any wild and crazy ingredients. Pretty much everything can be obtained at your local grocery store, and you probably already have most of what you need in your pantry.

I’ll also include some variations you can consider if you’re whipping this up at the last minute. 

What you'll need for the love potion:

love potion

Best time to cast: Plan to make this love potion blend during the June full moon. You can charge up dried ingredients and brew the actual potion at Litha or brew and drink your potion as part of your June full moon ritual.

Circle casting is not necessary.


  • strawberries – to tap into the Strawberry Full Moon. You can use fresh, frozen, dried, powdered, juiced, or even strawberry flavored candy if you’re desperate.
  • coffee or tea – caffeinated is best if possible, but decaf will do. Stick with a darker roast of coffee or black/green tea (rooibos is also a nice option). 
  • Water – to make full moon charged water.
  • clear containers with a lids – a mason jar or water bottle work great. You want it clear to get that moonlight and lidded to keep critters and debris out.
  • chocolate – this adds that sensual decadent energy and goes well with the strawberries. Use dark, milk, or white, cocoa powder, chocolate chips, cacao nibs, a chunk of a candy bar, whatever you can access.
  • cinnamon to add extra fiery, powerful energy to the love potion.
  • Optional: these herbs can be used to add extra oomph to the love potion.
    • food safe rose petals – for love and passion
    • hibiscus leaves or tea – for personal power
    • vanilla – brings out the chocolate flavor, love and sensuality
    • orange peel – brings in solar Litha energy, joy, and optimism
    • honey – to add sweetness and bring in the energy of the solstice and creation

Bonus materials: 

  • Don’t want to make your own tea blend? This black tea blend or this rooibos tea blend would both work wonderfully for the love potion. You’d just need to add your own cinnamon!
  • Crystals associated with summer, confidence, or love can placed around the jar as you charge your water to add more energy to the love potion. (I favor the indirect method. That means I don’t put the crystals directly in water. Please do your research as not all crystals are safe for water or human consumption). Here are some ideas to guide you.
    • any stone that you associate with personal power (It’s labradorite for me!)
    • rose quartz – self love
    • honey calcite – self worth and confidence
    • carnelian – confidence, creative life force energy
    • moonstone – associated with water and the moon
    • strawberry quartz – optimism and positivity
    • ruby – passion and sexual energy
    • clear quartz – amplifies energy

How to make your love potion:

Even if you plan to brew your love potion and use it right away, I still recommend charging up your water and dry ingredients separately. A fresh hot cup of coffee or tea just hits differently.

Step 1: Before you begin, gather up all your materials. Ground and center yourself. Make sure to set your intention in your mind before you begin. Keep this intention in your mind the whole time. Cleanse your materials of unwanted energy with your favorite method.

Step 2: Fill a clean, cleansed jar with fresh water. Attach the lid to keep out bugs, critters, and debris. You’ll be drinking the water. Place it outside or on a windowsill in the full moonlight to charge. Set intentions of charging the water with loving, powerful, confident energy. Add crystals around the jar’s base, if using. Again, give each stone an intention as you place it.

Step 3: Next, begin crafting your tea or coffee love potion blend. Use another container with a lid to mix your blend and charge it in the moonlight. Speak intentions into each ingredient as you add them and mix with love.

  • For a single cup, grab a tea bag and add a pinch of each ingredient to the mix. If you’re using a black/green tea bag and a hibiscus tea bag, use only half of the tea mix from one of those bags. Add a few drops of vanilla extract, and combine well.
  • For a bulk mixture, I usually just do four parts black tea and one part of each other ingredient. For example, I’ll use a tablespoon of black tea and 1/4 tablespoon each hibiscus, rose, cinnamon, chocolate chips, and orange peel. I am not a master tea blender! There’s no science behind this. It’s just what’s worked so far.
  • For the strawberries, you might need to adjust the process based on what you’re using. If dried, use it just like the other ingredients in the dry mix. For fresh or frozen, give them a shorter time in the moon before returning to the fridge or freezer. You can then juice them and freeze in cubes if prepping in large quantities or for later on.

Step 4: Allow your mixtures to charge up in the moonlight. You can leave them out all night, and save for later. Otherwise, you can just leave the ingredients out to charge for a couple of hours, and bring them in for your ritual when you’re ready.

Step 5: To brew, heat up your charged moon water. Allow your blend to brew, covered if possible, for 5ish minutes. Don’t forget to add your strawberries. Juicing them is an easy way to add them to tea. Sweeten to taste with honey or your favorite sweetener.

Step 7: Next, prepare to drink your love potion. Find a comfortable place to sit in direct moonlight if possible. Stir your love potion clockwise and speak into it your intention. You can say something like…

“As I drink this love potion, I now find

love for myself – soul, body, and mind.

I am strong and worthy, and I shall be

unapologetically, powerfully, wonderfully me!”



Step 8: Drink your love potion as you focus on this intention. As you drink, allow yourself to feel your energy rising within you. If you feel inclined to dance, move, sing, smile, shout… follow your intuition, and trust the messages your inner self provides.


How to Use Your Strawberry Full Moon Love Potion

You have some options with this love potion.

First, you can charge and brew it up the night of the Strawberry Full Moon and perform the ritual right there. 

However, if time is a factor, you can just as easily charge up the ingredients, and store them for later. Then, you can draw on the energy of the Strawberry Full Moon whenever you need it.

This potent love potion is perfect for Imbolc, Beltane, and Litha rituals, self love spells and rituals, after a bad break up, as a post shadow work pick me up, or anytime you need some extra help with loving yourself.

Tell Us About Your Experience

Do you have experience with self love potions? Have an ingredient you always include in your brew? Tell us about it in the comments below! 

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