poppet magic fertility spell

How to Cast a Powerful Poppet Magic Fertility Spell

With the abundant fertility of Beltane upon us, the energy is all hanky panky, growth, and creation. Mother’s Day is also right around the corner. For anyone who has been trying for a baby, all this fertile, sexual energy can become downright unbearable. As a mama who has trudged that path, today I want to share one of my most powerful spells; my poppet magic fertility spell. A trigger warning is in order since we’ll discuss infertility and pregnancy today.

For legal reasons, I need to preface this post with the following warning. I am not a medical doctor. Anything you read in this post is intended for entertainment purposes and is not meant to treat, diagnose, or heal any health condition. Please work with your health care provider for any medical concerns.

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Before we dive in to our poppet magic fertility spell, let’s engage in a little history lesson! While it’s not essential to the success of the spell, learning about the history of witchcraft can help you grow as a witch. It also helps you carve out your own path and learn to practice more intuitive magic.

Poppet magic is a form of sympathetic folk magic that’s practically as old as human history. Sympathetic magic simply means that the caster uses a material that represents or symbolizes their target. Scientists have even theorized that Paleolithic cave paintings might be a rudimentary form of sympathetic magic. 

Folk magic is a term used to describe magic that is accessible to “common folk”; everyday people rather than initiated magical leaders. It’s usually used to bring about change in practical, everyday life. Folk magic utilizes common, easy to find materials that average people could access.

Poppets are a form of sympathetic folk magic where the poppet, or doll, represents the person for whom you’re casting the spell. Poppet magic has deep roots in witchcraft and has been used for millenia to bring about a witch’s intent. As with sympathetic magic, it might be just about as old as human history  Voodoo dolls are a well known but heavily misunderstood and demonized form of poppet magic. 

When people think of poppets, they often think about witches sticking pins into little effigies of their enemies and causing them harm. While this is one way to perform poppet magic, it’s far from the only way! You can use poppet magic for a wide range of spell work that can bring harm or help to your target.

Historically, poppets might be crafted from wax, wood, bone, stone, corn husks, hay, bundles of twigs, clay, cloth, produce… really anything the caster could get their hands on and fashion into a humanoid shape! They were then decorated with human features depending on the intent. Today, poppets are often crafted using fabric, but there’s really no limit to what you can use.

poppet magic fertility spell

Why Should I Use a Poppet Magic Fertility Spell?

There are a lot of different types of fertility magic. Witches use seeds, eggs, candles, fruits and veggies, crystals, the moon, basically everything in fertility spell work depending on the desired outcome.

Poppet magic holds a special place in my heart, though, for a couple of reasons.

First, I’m a member of the 1 in 5 women struggling with infertility. The combination of PCOS and developmental issues makes getting pregnant a struggle for me. I was already 30 when I started trying, and my GYN basically gave up on me from the start when I scheduled a wellness check. I was referred to a reproductive endocrinologist who ran all the painful and invasive tests and found all sorts of roadblocks and problems.

After many months of invasive testing and failed treatment cycles, I was heartbroken, demoralized, traumatized, and felt like I was running out of time. That’s when I turned to magic. It added life, healing, and empowerment back into what should have been a natural and beautiful process that I felt had been stolen from me.

There’s a reason I specifically chose poppets, though. Sympathetic poppet magic is tried and true, old as the hills. It’s intuitive and flexible, all things I felt would make the process a little easier on me. Poppet magic is also very hands-on. I wanted to feel like I was a part of the process of becoming pregnant at a time when it seemed like it was something that was happening to me. 

Poppet magic is also incredibly creative. Fertility is incredibly creative, too. The chakra energy that brings forth babies and art projects radiates from the same space! What better way to support the work of creating a life than with physically crafting the spell with my own two hands.

if you’re reading this post around the Beltane season, you’ve got a triple whammy of creative life force energy at work, since one of the major themes of Beltane is creativity and creation! (Learn more about the correspondences of Beltane here!)

When it comes to fertility and pregnancy spells in particular, a poppet magic fertility spell fits the bill.

Yeah, But Does This Poppet Magic Fertility Spell Work?

The proof is in the pudding, as they say. It took me about 6 months after making my poppet, but I conceived my first baby under what I would call magical circumstances.

It wasn’t instant. In fact, after 6 months of failure, I tossed my doll into a dresser drawer, disheartened. On the cycle I finally got pregnant, though, it was actually a failed treatment cycle. When you undergo fertility treatment, there’s a lot of scanning and measuring that happens. During this particular cycle, I had follicles that were too small and growing too slowly to be considered viable. I actually still have that 6 year old trigger shot just sitting in my fridge because I was directed not to use it and given hormones to start a new cycle.

Within two weeks of that devastating news, I was testing positive on a pregnancy test. I was then told that the pregnancy was likely not viable. Blood testing proved that wrong. I was told not to get too attached (yes, those were the exact words, if you can believe it…). Blood testing proved that wrong, too. By all medical accounts, my oldest witchling shouldn’t exist, but here she is. 

I also have a younger witchling. She came into being 3 1/2 years later, and we did NOT see it coming. To be fair, I wasn’t on birth control, but I hadn’t been for the whole 3 1/2 years because we weren’t sure we were done, and it was not easy to get pregnant the first time. I had COVID 3 times in that span, and my thyroid was shot. My cycle still wasn’t right, working on a 6-7 week cycle.

We had all but assumed it wasn’t possible. I had long forgotten that little doll still sitting my dresser drawer. But that little doll hadn’t forgotten about me. As a matter of fact, I thought my symptoms were a 4th bout of COVID when something in my gut told me to take a test. I actually didn’t believe it when I saw those two lines.

So, yes, my poppet magic fertility spell can be really effective. And if you’re not careful, it might keep working. Take it from a hormonally imbalanced 30-something with an impossibly unpredictable cycle and two miracle babies.

A Quick Note on Fertility and Pregnancy Magic

A word of caution as we move forward into the process of this poppet magic fertility spell. Pregnancy magic is not fast magic. It takes a lot of time, and it’s energetically draining. If you suffer from infertility, it might also take a little bit of medical intervention. I’m not sure I could have conceived my first baby without fertility treatment.

This spell isn’t meant to work in days or weeks. It will likely take months, possibly even years, for the full effect. You can do things to help it along, though.

First of all, don’t skip out on medical treatment. Magic can miraculously overcome health issues, but why not use every tool available? You’ll give your magic more paths to fruition. 

Here’s the other thing, and it’s a biggie. Magic has a hard time working when you’re too attached to the outcome. If you’re obsessing about how your spell hasn’t worked yet, it’s very unlikely to work. Your mind and energy are stuck in a state of lacking when you obsess over the outcome. Abundance has a hard time manifesting from a place of longing and desperation.

To give this spell it’s best shot, you really need to take all the mundane steps health-wise, like getting healthy, having a partner you are actively trying to conceive with at the right time in your cycle, and yes, maybe even seeking out medical intervention.

So, take your vitamins, visit your doctor, cast your spell wholeheartedly, and then put your poppet in a safe place, and forget about it. It’s going to be hard, but you can do hard things.

pregnancy announcement photo

How to Cast a Poppet Magic Fertility Spell

For this activity, you’ll need to gather some supplies beforehand. You also need to take steps ahead of time to get into the right state of mind, and you’ll need a good block of uninterrupted time. I know you’re a busy witch, but trust me, this one works best if it has your full attention for as long as is required.

What you'll need:

Best time to cast: This is a great spell for an Imbolc or Beltane ritual. It also benefits you to have the full moon on your side, and Monday is the best day of the week.

Circle casting is highly recommended with this working.


  • scrap fabric or felt– to build the body of your poppet. Your fabric can be anything you want. Patterned or solid colors, natural fibers, blends, even scraps from old shirts or socks that belong to you.
  • stuffing material – you’ll want something to give your doll body like pillow stuffing or cotton balls.
  • needle and thread– for stitching your doll parts together.
  • decorative items– to personalize your doll. This can be as simple as a Sharpie or as elaborate as buttons, embroidery, sequins, a tiny outfit, etc.
  • flower heads or acorns – for stuffing the belly of your doll. They represent growth and fertility. Flower heads are also traditionally feminine, while acorns are more masculine. No guarantees that it will allow you to choose a gender, though.
  • a taglock from both parents – you want something to tie the doll to you and your partner. Blood and semen are probably the most potent, but that’s pretty intense stuff, so strands of hair, nail clippings, spit, photos, or even slips of paper with names will do. (I used hair, if you were curious).
  • herbs for fertility – such as red raspberry leaf, nettle, or mint.
  • crystals for fertility – such as moonstone or carnelian. Use chips mixed into the stuffing or tumbles in the belly of the doll.

Bonus materials: 

  • crystals for healing – if there is infertility or trauma involved, some crystal healing can give extra power to the spell. Bloodstone and Unakyte are my healing stones of choice.
  • a red or white candle – for charging your doll

How to cast:

Before you begin, take time to get into a good headspace. Take a relaxing bath. Practice meditation. Get into a space of joy, peace, and gratitude. Do not perform this spell while you’re still reeling from a failed cycle or right after having your cervix catheterized. 

Step 1: Before you begin, gather up all your materials. Ground and center yourself. Make sure to set your intention in your mind before you begin. Keep this intention in your mind the whole time. Cleanse your materials of unwanted energy with your favorite method. Cast a circle and call in any entities or deities you want to work with, if desired.

Step 2: On one pieces of fabric, trace out the general outline of a person a little bit larger than you want your final product to be. My doll was about the size of my hand, for reference. You’ll want to try to make the arms and legs wide enough to be able to turn in once sewn together. The belly also needs to be a bit wider, so it can be stuffed to look like a pregnant belly. Cut this piece out and use it as a template to make the other half.

Step 3: If you plan to embroider or sew any details into your doll, such as beads, sequins, facial features or symbols, do this before assembling the doll. When you are ready, turn both pieces so the outsides face each other, and stitch together along the edges, leaving an inch or so of space open around the belly. It doesn’t have to be perfect! Just remember to focus on weaving your intention into the stitches.

Step 4: Turn your doll outside in, using a pen or skewer to push the limbs out into shape. Begin stuffing your doll with your stuffing material, mixing in your herbs and crystal chips as you work. When it’s time to stuff the belly, use the flowers or acorns and your chosen taglock. You can also use tumble stones for this part.

Step 5: Add any final details such as facial features or sigils. I’m a big fan of adding a spiral to the belly. When your doll is complete, spend some time visualizing your outcome. Hold the doll lovingly at your womb. Then, imagine your intention becoming a reality. Visualize everything you can in as much detail as possible. Remember to stay positive and relaxed. 

Step 7: When you feel like you have finished visualizing, put the doll in a safe place under or near your bed. Do your best to detach from the outcome of your spell, and know that your desire is on its way.

Step 8: Open your circle, release entities, and thank any beings you called on for this working. Leave an offering of incense, fire, food, or drink to thank these energies.

How to Use the Fertility Poppet

Poppet work is relatively hands off once cast. You just need to place your doll in a safe space near your bed and let it do its job. 

However, there are a few important things to keep in mind when working with poppets. Most importantly, don’t leave it out where pets, children, or prying eyes might find it. It’s tied to you, so keep it safe. 

If you feel that your doll needs a recharge, you can charge it up with a white or red candle. Alternately, you can leave it to charge up under a full moon. Again, be sure to keep it safe and protected.

When your poppet has done its work, thank your doll for the blessings it has bestowed, and speak aloud that you are no longer tethered to each other. Respectfully and lovingly disassemble the pieces. You can dispose of them by burning, throwing away, tossing into a stream, or burying if the materials are Earth safe.

In theory, you should create a new doll after a year without success. In reality, though, mine kept working long after that.

Tell Us About Your Experience

Do you have experience with poppets or fertility magic? Have you ever cast a poppet magic fertility spell? Tell us about it in the comments below! 

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